16 d’ag. 2016

GoodNight Everyone*

GoodNight Everyone,
by Chris Haughton.
published by Walker Books,
soon in Catalan and in Spanish by Milrazones.

I el cinquè títol ja està a punt d'arribar: Bona Nit a Tothom/Buenas Noches a Todos.

Un procés creatiu molt interessant, de com s'origina la primera idea i de com tot evoluciona fins a arribar a un llibre on les accions, molt més que qualsevol altre llengautge, són emprades per a narrar una història destinada per a primers lectors.
The idea for this book came from visiting my sister Jan’s Montessori school. She was showing me some of the games and toys she uses in her class of 3 and 4 year olds.
She had a series of blocks to explain the powers of ten 1/10/100/1000. 1 square block, 10 stuck together to form line, 100 blocks together to form a plane and 1000 blocks making a 10x10x10 cube. We were talking about how ideas like scale can be shown visually so much easier than can be explained and it occured to me that it could be the perfect subject for a picture book. I like using images rather than words to tell a story visually and this is a very visual idea so it might work. I began thinking of Charles and Ray Eames’ ‘Powers of 10’ and if there was a way to create something similar to this that could be understood by very young children.

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